2022 ANZURA National Conference - The Australia & New Zealand Urantia Association (ANZURA)

  • What Urantia Association International 2022 Konferencja English
  • When 2022-10-21 to 2022-10-24 (Europe/Warsaw / UTC200)
  • Where Port Arthur in Tasmania
  • Contact Name
  • Contact Phone 0431 285 943
  • Web Visit external website
  • Add event to calendar iCal

The Australia & New Zealand Urantia Association (ANZURA) is delighted to announce that after two years of virtual conferences, we plan to be meeting face-to-face at the 2022 ANZURA Annual National Conference, which is set to be convened at Port Arthur in Tasmania from the 21 to 24 October. Keep this date in mind and start making your plans for a Tasmanian holiday next year in Australia!


The venue will be the Fox and Hounds Inn which is a traditional Tudor style property, beautifully positioned in close proximity to some of Australia’s premier tourist destinations, including the amazing Port Arthur historic site and the highest dolerite cliffs in the southern hemisphere. The inn boasts comfortable motel-style rooms with most having water views and full amenities. You will have the choice of single, shared or family occupancy.

Theme: Walking the ROPE

The ‘ROPE’ in the theme title is an acronym for the Religion OPersonal Experiences so the full meaning of the theme title translates to ‘Walking the Religion of Personal Experiences’. We hope that this will be a truly enriching spiritual experience for all who attend, either in person or via Zoom. We will be talking about the ultimate human experience.

The Urantia Book is replete with awe-inspiring quotes reminding us that personal, intimate fellowship with God is within reach of us all!

It is high time that man had a religious experience so personal and so sublime that it could be realized and expressed only by “feelings that lie too deep for words.” [Paper 99:5.9; page 1091.8]

Julian McGarry, our “man on the ground” in Tasmania will be our host and will provide more details as we get closer to the date. He encourages us all to begin prayerfully thinking about being in attendance.

Stay tuned for more information or email ANZURA on [email protected]
For more information and updates visit the website at: https://anzura.urantia-association.org/2021/12/01/2022-anzura-annual-conference/