UBIS - The Untold Story of Jesus - The Word Made Book

Webinar z całej serii prowadzonej w ramach UBIS. Każdy obejmuje krótką prezentację rzucającą światło, czy zwracającą uwagę na jakiś konkretny aspekt ujęty w Księdze Urantii. Prezentacji poprzedza dyskusję publiczną z tego tematu,
  • UBIS - The Untold Story of Jesus - The Word Made Book
  • 2023-04-15T18:00:00+02:00
  • 2023-04-15T19:00:00+02:00
  • Webinar z całej serii prowadzonej w ramach UBIS. Każdy obejmuje krótką prezentację rzucającą światło, czy zwracającą uwagę na jakiś konkretny aspekt ujęty w Księdze Urantii. Prezentacji poprzedza dyskusję publiczną z tego tematu,
  • What Urantia Foundation UBIS Webinar English
  • When 2023-04-15 from 18:00 to 19:00 (Europe/Warsaw / UTC200)
  • Where https://urantia-org.zoom.us/j/88292383107
  • Web Visit external website
  • Add event to calendar iCal

There are many compelling teachings in The Urantia Book that warrant a closer look.

Our guest speakers will set the stage with a brief presentation highlighting one of these interesting topics, followed by a discussion with the audience.

Please join Mo Siegel and Jim English as they focus on the topic of 

The Untold Story of Jesus - The Word Made Book

DATE: Saturday, April 15

TIME: 11 am Central Daylight Time

ZOOM LINK: https://urantia-org.zoom.us/j/88292383107

Please log in ten minutes before the scheduled time.

Mo began reading The Urantia Book in 1969 after spending two years attending school at a Catholic monastery. He has hosted a study group since 1972. During the past forty-five years, Mo has served on the boards of three organizations solely dedicated to The Urantia Book. He has been a trustee of Urantia Foundation since 1998 and the board president since 2008.

Mo is a father of five and grandfather of seven. He lives with his wife, Jennifer, in Boulder, Colorado. During the last 30 years Mo has served on the board of directors of twenty-three for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. An avid outdoorsman, he has climbed all the Colorado 14ers and traveled to 100 countries.

Jim started reading The Urantia Book when it was first published in 1955, which is pretty remarkable considering he was only five years old! In 1990, he went into the nascent field of desktop publishing. It was a modern marvel that one could now do the work of a roomful of designers and technicians on a single computer. Over the next three decades, he developed a top-to-bottom expertise in getting words and images into print, and then into digital formats as they arrived.

Now retired, Jim spends much of his free time in the pursuit of opportunities where his talents can be used in service to the Father’s family on earth.

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