The Urantia Book Study Groups Symposium - by Urantia Association International

We invite you to join us on Saturday June 11 for The Urantia Book Study Groups Symposium, an event aimed at discussing in-depth the many subjects relating to study groups of the Urantia Revelation.
  • When 2022-06-11 from 08:00 to 12:00 (Europe/Warsaw / UTC200)
  • Where Zoom Session
  • Contact Name
  • Contact Phone +1 (773) 572-1180
  • Web Visit external website
  • Add event to calendar iCal


We were told by the Revelators to create thousands of study groups, yet this task comes with many challenges, and we are still learning from practice. In this Symposium we will be discussing our experiences, doubts, and successes within our study groups. We hope to assist you in having better and stronger study groups from this symposium. We have invited experienced presenters, and we will include workshops and other activities. Please pre-register by clicking the link below for the registration form. Although pre-registration is not compulsory, it will help us be of service to you. For instance, translations into other languages may be provided if enough speakers for that language are planning to attend.

We will be offering this event twice—a few hours apart—to cover the whole globe with suitable times for everyone around the world. Please take note of the time schedule for different time zones in each meeting in the image above or in the invitation below. The meeting link in the invitation will be the same for both meetings.


First Symposium:
7:00 am: London (UK)
8:00 am: Malawi (Africa), Madrid (Spain)
11.30 am: New Delhi (India)
4:00 pm: Sydney (Australia)

Second Symposium:
10:00 am: Los Angeles (USA)
12:00 pm: Bogota (Colombia)
1:00 pm: New York (USA)
2:00 pm Brasilia (Brazil)

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 833 8873 8246

Contact Us for more information.